▶도서 판매자, 출판사, 도서관원 및 도서 생산 서비스의 글로벌 출판커뮤니티 등 전시 일반서적 General Publishing - For publishers of general fiction and non-ficition. 아동서적 Childrens' Publishing - For childrens' publishers 전문서적 Academics/STM Publishing - academic, scientific, technical and medical publishers 소매업솔루션 All non-book products for booksellers and retailers from cards to gifts, toys 출판솔루션 printers, binders, freight forwarding, on-demand printers, content management 예술 및 디자인 Art, Architecture and Design - For art, architectural and design publishers 크리스챤 서적 Christian Publishing - For Christian publishers 여행서적 Travel Publishing - For travel guide and map publishers 재고서적 For companies selling remainder and promotional books